Suaram, Bersih Funded By Zionists – Jews
Malaysia news net.comNo one can deny the rights of Suaram as a organization that fights for human rights, to file a complaint on the transaction process of the Scorpene submarines made by the Malaysian Government to the court of France.
What can be questioned is that what are their motives to raise an issue of our country to be judged by a foreign country.
It gets worse as now, Suaram is no longer seen as a free organization which fights for justice. Instead, they are going overboard.
Suaram is not satisfied with its functions as a complainer, they want to be the prosecutor and judge of the issue instead.
Suaram even stated that the Prime Minister will be given subpoena by the court of France to provide statements in the bribery trial.
It seems like their court have not even came to any result from their investigation, Suaram had known the results sooner they they do.
When Suaram did so, obviously rakyat would think on what are the purpose of bringing up the issue?
More importantly, who ordered them to do such thing?
Suaram is fighting for who – rakyat? the opposition? or even worse, foreign power?
Suaram uses the service of two French lawyers to help them in the Scorpene issue, Joseph Breham and a famous human rights lawyer, William Bourdon.
William Bourdon is the founder of an organization that is known as Sherpa where they fight for the imbalanced economy issues in poor countries such as Africa.
Sherpa is funded by two international organizations, both with big funds, Open Society Foundations (previously known as Open Society Institute) and Tides Foundation.
OSF is fully funded by the currency criminal, George Soros who almost destroyed Malaysia’s economy back then in the economic crisis in 1997/1998.
That was when Opposition Leader, Anwar Ibrahim who was the Finance Minister, wanted to give up Malaysia’s dignity to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), before he was stopped by former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
OSK is one of the biggest funder to the Tides Foundation, funder of Sherpa.
Tides Foundation did provide fund for Suaram, USD15,000 to organize its activity a few years back.
According to its website, Tides Foundation is an international organization that supports the left-wing agendas.
And because Suaram is seen as an organization that fights for left-wing understanding such as socialism, that is why they received such grant from Tides Foundation.
Few of the agendas fought by Tides Foundation include “radical gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender advocacy (LBGT)”.
So, it is not surprising when Bersih’s Chairman, Ambiga Sreenevasen admitted that Bersih received financial aid from two American Organizations, National Democratic Institute (NDI) and OSF.
Ambiga is the backbone of the annual Seksualiti Merdeka program which is held to promote LGBT lifestyle in this country.
The Bersih assembly, which was organized to bring down the government were clearly supported by Opposition Leader, Anwar.
Back in 2007, Anwar became one of the panels in the fund-raising event organized by National Endowment for Democracy (NED), an organization that also funds NDI.
If we are to look at this in detail, the involvement of Suaram in Scorpene issue, Ambiga in Bersih and Anwar as the opposition leader often relate to one another.
Suaram’s actions in bringing up the issue of Scorpene to France court is not a coincidence and Bersih 3.0 rally on April 28 is actually planned.
The main backbone behind all this would be Anwar Ibrahim and his bosses, international Zionists – Jews organizations.
Suaram's suicidal game
SUARAM made allegations against Dato Seri Najib and Government
but could not substantiate and prove it. Thus far, it has been an easy affair
to question the logic of each allegations and expose the propaganda attempted
by news report.
Slowly but surely, a better understanding of the French
investigating court procedures is known now.
The claim that Dato Najib, Zahid Hamidi etc can be subpoena is
pure hoax because the court needs 2-3 years to investigate and no information
from any documents can be revealed to the public.
Hopefully someone make a report and file a complaint to the
French court on SUARAM. See how panicky they will be.
The Government have played it cool and did not make any new
Thus far, rebuttal by bloggers on information supplied by their
dedicated media for the Scorpene issue like Asia Sentinel, Malaysia Chronicles,
and the usual suspect like TMI, Mkini and the rest, is sufficient for the time
There is still more to come.
The attempt to gain attention by various personalities and
through media close to PKR and linked to SUARAM will eventually show fatique as
Government ignore their fakes and dinks. Every other new articles generated is
obviously to "fish for information."
They know they have nothing to go on to keep the propaganda
going till election. That is suicidal.
Thus far, it is obvious that their usually release of periodical
development was to rewind the old broken records again and again in the usual
Goebbel styled propaganda fashion.
Before they could push the Government any further, a little
nudging by The Mole yesterday was sufficient to put them on the defensive.
Who is Suaram Director, Cynthia Gabriel trying to fool to claim
SUARAM is free from Pakatan Rakyat influence, have no link with any political parties, coincident relationship
with Malaysiakini, and her council’s appointment are meant for NGOs?
Suaram claimed that
their pursuit of Scorpene is for public interest but the manner they rollout
updates is so Pakatan Rakyat styled propaganda and obviously scheduled to meet
the election dates.
When asked as to why they have been making allegations after
allegations but yet to release any form of evidence, Cynthia said the French
law disallowed them to do so. Is that the only thing
disallowed by French law?
Cynthia thinks and assume government institutions such as MACC and
police are dumb. She thinks their silence is an indication of ignorance. Still
water runs deep.
Never ass-u-me for it will make an ass of you and me. That me will
be Suaram.
Cynthia should know better than try to deny an obvious
observation because in the public eye and to astute readers, her denial is
unsatisfactory as answer.
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