Dr Asyraf Wajdi : Nurul Izzah Bawa Fahaman Anwar
AIDCNews – 05/11/12 – Prof. Madya. Dr. Asyraf Wajdi Hj Dato Dusuki menganggap kecenderungan fahaman pluralisme dan liberalisme agama Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim semakin ketara apabila anaknya, Nurul Izzah turut membawa fahaman yang sama.
“Nampaknya faham Pluralisme dan liberalisme yang dianuti Anwar kini diwarisi anaknya.
“Perlembagaan Negara dibawah Seksyen 160(2) yang mendefinisikan Melayu sebagai orang yang agama Islam perlu dipertahankan.
“Jangan pula ada yang bercakap atas dasar kebebasan hingga Melayu boleh sesuka hati memilih agama mana yang dikehendakinya,”kata Asyraf dalam laman sosialnya semalam.
Ashraf yang juga bekas Presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) membuat ulasan di atas berdasarkan ucapan Nurul Izzah yang disiarkan blog 1christians.blogspot.com.au yang memetik sumber portal Mkini bertajuk “Nurul: There should be no compulsion in choosing faith“.
Nurul Izzah ketika bercakap dalam satu forum di Gereja Full Gospel Tabernacle, Subang Jaya pada 3 November berkata semua penganut agama termasuk Islam sepatutnya diberi kebebasan memilih agama atau murtad mengikut pilihan masing-masing.
Kenyataan Naib Presiden PKR itu bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Fasal (4) Perkara 11 yang mengawal atau menyekat pengembangan apa-apa doktrin atau kepercayaan agama terhadap penganut beragama Islam, malah sebarang permohonan penganut Islam untuk murtad tertakluk di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah berdasarkan Seksyen 61(3)(b)(x) Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam Negeri.
Asyraf berpendapat kenyataan terbaru Nurul Izzah itu tidak wajar dan mengesahkan pendirian bapanya yang sebelum ini telah dikenalpasti sebagai pro-murtad.
“Cukuplah Anwar sahaja yang memperjuangkan hak orang Melayu untuk murtad sebagaimana dalam temuramah beliau dengan BBC mengenai Lina Joy satu ketika dahulu,”katanya.
Berikut disiarkan Kenyataan Nurul Izzah dari 1christians.blogspot.com.au :
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Nurul: There should be no compulsion in choosing faith
Nigel Aw
2:46PM Nov 3, 2012
People should not be compelled to adopt a particular religion and this should also apply to Malays, says Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.
“When you ask me, there is no compulsion in religion… how can anyone say sorry, this (religious freedom) only applies to non-Malays, it has to apply equally.” she said.
She was speaking at a forum on “Islamic State: Which version; Who’s responsibility?” in Subang Jaya this morning.
The Lembah Pantai MP was responding to a question from the floor on whether Malays should have religious freedom like non-Malays.
“Malay” is defined under Section 160(2) of the federal constitution as a person who professes Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language and conforms to Malay customs.
Ultimately, she said, what should be sought is “quality” where Muslims’ faith is strong.
“Even me, being schooled in Assunta (secondary school) with a huge cross in the hall and an active singing Catholic society did not influence me,” she said.
However, Nurul Izzah stopped short of saying that Malays should be legally granted religious freedom, saying: “I am, of course, tied to the prevailing views.”
To a question on the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual (LGBT) community, Nurul Izzah conceded that as Muslims and even for Catholics, there were limitations.
However, she stressed that the principle for Pakatan Rakyat was that the community should not be victimised.
‘Muslims’ freedom ignored’

Human rights lawyer, Malik Imtiaz, on his part, noted that there had been a “back door attempt” to revise the country into an Islamic state with a single interpretation with Muslims being the biggest victims from this insidious move.
“We talk about how non-Muslims are affected by the so-called dominance but tend to forget that the biggest victims of this discussion are the Muslims because everyone recognises the freedom of non-Muslims but people don’t seem to talk about the freedom of Muslims.
“The point is diversity is as important for Muslims as it is for everyone else.
“No one stops (a Catholic) from going to a Catholic or Protestant church but for the state, there is only one version of Islam… if you don’t believe this kind of Islam, you are a deviationist,” he said.
As such, Malik said what had been creating was a monolithic Islam that was being manipulated for political purpose and turned into tool to either woo or intimidate voters.
“Nampaknya faham Pluralisme dan liberalisme yang dianuti Anwar kini diwarisi anaknya.
“Perlembagaan Negara dibawah Seksyen 160(2) yang mendefinisikan Melayu sebagai orang yang agama Islam perlu dipertahankan.
“Jangan pula ada yang bercakap atas dasar kebebasan hingga Melayu boleh sesuka hati memilih agama mana yang dikehendakinya,”kata Asyraf dalam laman sosialnya semalam.
Ashraf yang juga bekas Presiden Persatuan Kebangsaan Pelajar Islam Malaysia (PKPIM) membuat ulasan di atas berdasarkan ucapan Nurul Izzah yang disiarkan blog 1christians.blogspot.com.au yang memetik sumber portal Mkini bertajuk “Nurul: There should be no compulsion in choosing faith“.
Nurul Izzah ketika bercakap dalam satu forum di Gereja Full Gospel Tabernacle, Subang Jaya pada 3 November berkata semua penganut agama termasuk Islam sepatutnya diberi kebebasan memilih agama atau murtad mengikut pilihan masing-masing.
Kenyataan Naib Presiden PKR itu bertentangan dengan Perlembagaan Persekutuan Fasal (4) Perkara 11 yang mengawal atau menyekat pengembangan apa-apa doktrin atau kepercayaan agama terhadap penganut beragama Islam, malah sebarang permohonan penganut Islam untuk murtad tertakluk di bawah bidang kuasa Mahkamah Syariah berdasarkan Seksyen 61(3)(b)(x) Enakmen Pentadbiran Agama Islam Negeri.
Asyraf berpendapat kenyataan terbaru Nurul Izzah itu tidak wajar dan mengesahkan pendirian bapanya yang sebelum ini telah dikenalpasti sebagai pro-murtad.
“Cukuplah Anwar sahaja yang memperjuangkan hak orang Melayu untuk murtad sebagaimana dalam temuramah beliau dengan BBC mengenai Lina Joy satu ketika dahulu,”katanya.
Berikut disiarkan Kenyataan Nurul Izzah dari 1christians.blogspot.com.au :
Saturday, 3 November 2012
Nurul: There should be no compulsion in choosing faith
Nigel Aw
2:46PM Nov 3, 2012
People should not be compelled to adopt a particular religion and this should also apply to Malays, says Lembah Pantai MP Nurul Izzah Anwar.
“When you ask me, there is no compulsion in religion… how can anyone say sorry, this (religious freedom) only applies to non-Malays, it has to apply equally.” she said.
She was speaking at a forum on “Islamic State: Which version; Who’s responsibility?” in Subang Jaya this morning.

“Malay” is defined under Section 160(2) of the federal constitution as a person who professes Islam, habitually speaks the Malay language and conforms to Malay customs.
Ultimately, she said, what should be sought is “quality” where Muslims’ faith is strong.
“Even me, being schooled in Assunta (secondary school) with a huge cross in the hall and an active singing Catholic society did not influence me,” she said.
However, Nurul Izzah stopped short of saying that Malays should be legally granted religious freedom, saying: “I am, of course, tied to the prevailing views.”
To a question on the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transexual (LGBT) community, Nurul Izzah conceded that as Muslims and even for Catholics, there were limitations.
However, she stressed that the principle for Pakatan Rakyat was that the community should not be victimised.
‘Muslims’ freedom ignored’

Human rights lawyer, Malik Imtiaz, on his part, noted that there had been a “back door attempt” to revise the country into an Islamic state with a single interpretation with Muslims being the biggest victims from this insidious move.
“We talk about how non-Muslims are affected by the so-called dominance but tend to forget that the biggest victims of this discussion are the Muslims because everyone recognises the freedom of non-Muslims but people don’t seem to talk about the freedom of Muslims.
“The point is diversity is as important for Muslims as it is for everyone else.
“No one stops (a Catholic) from going to a Catholic or Protestant church but for the state, there is only one version of Islam… if you don’t believe this kind of Islam, you are a deviationist,” he said.
As such, Malik said what had been creating was a monolithic Islam that was being manipulated for political purpose and turned into tool to either woo or intimidate voters.
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